Middle Ground explores whether two different groups of people, opposed in their beliefs, can come together empathetically and find middle ground.
Odd One Out explores identity, group-think, and how we judge people— a group of strangers that share a common characteristic have to find the one member within the group that doesn’t belong. The winner(s) takes home a cash prize.
Ranking is a social experiment about how we judge and perceive ourselves in relation to others. Contestants debate and rank each other based on their perceptions (Ranked by Fashion Sense, Ranked Most American) before being shown a TRUE, measurable ranking.
Spectrum explores the variety of beliefs within an individualized group to break down stereotypes and showcasing complexities.
Ask Me Anything is a Q&A show where a participant with a unique perspective or experience (billionaire’s son, conjoined twins, etc.) is interviewed by people who have a curiosity but no real understanding of the participant’s life.
Texts From invites a group of strangers to share their last text messages from a specific person(s) based on a specific theme.

nectar inspires us to discover our own version of healthy dating and relationships. it’s a space for reimagining the journey of love: what it is and what it can be.
versus 1 explores modern dating and swipe culture by engaging a bachelor or bachelorette in a high-stakes activity in pursuit of finding a match.
An app to self discovery & connection. Nectar is a space where you can get to know who you are… where the journey to self-discovery isn’t just you alone. Nectar helps discover your own version of love, guides you through the process, and connects you to the people you care about.